
Monday, November 15, 2004


I realize that I try to write SERIOUS things on our blog. I like to sounds like I am deep and insightful. I like to appear busier that I really am. I like to think that people think I'm being vulnerable and share deep things in my life; because that is what is valued in the circle of people I surround myself with. BUT - really, for the most part - I prefer to be light, and even shallow at times. I prefer not to take life so seriously. Many times I have heard people talk about being real, taking off our masks and sharing our problems with each other. But lets get real for a second and realize who we are and the world we live in. We live in the United States, many of us don't have to worry about where our next meal is going to come from. To be honest we probably spend way too much on food and going out to eat. We sleep in warm beds. Life is good. Trust me I don't want to deminish the pain that people are going through, hurts that people are dealing with or rejections in life. They are all real and difficult. But lets enjoy life, remembering that it's a gift from God AND we should maybe think more about the good then the bad.
I know many people have done this before - but this is what I'm thankful to God for in my life(in no particular order):
1. My husband.
2. Jesus dying on a cross for me and the ones that I love.
3. My job.
4. My house, food, bed, and heat.
5. My full stomach.
6. My family - mother, step father, brother, father, aunts, uncles and cousins.
7. My friends.
8. My car.
9. My health.
10. Emotional healing that has happened in my life.
11. Africa.
12. The church that we are working with to outreach to homeless people.
13. My yard.
14. My ability to run (even though not far or fast).

Thank you God!


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